Plot: `The Thick of It' satirizes the inner workings of modern British government, with the focus on the fictitious Department of Social Affairs and Citizenship, a rather broad title that allows many political themes and viewpoints to be introduced. The department is run by an appointed minister, one who...
Plot: Suuret suomalaiset was a 2004 television show broadcast in Finland by Yle, which determined the 100 greatest Finns of all time according to the opinions of its viewers. The viewers were able to vote during a programme which lasted from October to December 2004. Wikipedia
Plot: Hyacinth Bucket is a woman who aspires to climb up the social ladder. Stuck between her middle-class working family and her aspirations, she tries to impress rich and successful people.
Plot: Set during the dying days of the Edwardian era and the end of the first world war, `Parade's End' follows the conflicted relationship between conservative English aristocrat Christopher Tietjens, his beautiful but headstrong wife, Sylvia, and fearless young suffragette Valentine Wannop. The five-part...
Plot: When Tony Blair is appointed as the prime minister of the UK, he is sought out by Bill Clinton, the American president, to form a strong alliance and build a better world.
Plot: Kotikatu is a Finnish drama television series which aired on Yle TV1 from August 24, 1995 to December 7, 2012. Kotikatu was titled as "a semi-soap opera". It is the second longest running Finnish drama television series after soap opera Salatut elämät. Wikipedia
Plot: Uutisvuoto is the Finnish version of the popular British television quiz show Have I Got News For You. Broadcast on Saturday nights on Yle TV1 since 1998, the show received very high viewing figures. Uutisvuoto was aired on Yle TV1 from 1998 until May 2018, then moved to MTV3 in January 2019. Wikipedia...