Plot: Akane Kawasaki, a young interior designer, decides to share her big apartment with a roommate to split the rent. The new roommate turns out to be Sota Mishima, a bilingual tour guide who is a bit of a playboy. Despite her reservations, her attitude towards him changes as she is invited into his circle...
Plot: A comical look at the Japanese legal system. Big corporate law firm seeking to increase their profit margin notices that a lot of the partners spend a lot of their time on cases which don't bring in a lot of revenue. They decide they need to hire an average lawyer, at a minimal salary, that will take...
Plot: Ginny Miller, an angsty fifteen-year-old, often feels more mature than her thirty-year-old mother, the irresistible and dynamic Georgia Miller. Tokura Takashi is a talented and somewhat arrogant surgeon who is recruited to work for a private hospital run by the secretive Izumida family. Through an odd...
Plot: Can a coward commit suicide? Meet Kita Yoshio, a very unlucky man who has chosen his close friend's death anniversary as his suicide date, which is 11 days away. The number 11 has been quite significant throughout his life: he was born on November 11th; his roll call number at school was #11; and 11...