Plot: This fast-paced and stunt-filled motor show tests whether cars, both mundane and extraordinary, live up to their manufacturers' claims. The long-running show travels to locations around the world, performing extreme stunts and challenges to see what the featured cars are capable of doing. Celebrity...
Plot: On "Top Gear," hosts Richard Hammond, Jeremy Clarkson and James May often risk life and limb to perform feats for the show's viewers. Many of those endeavors are successful but not all are. With "Ambitious but Rubbish," Hammond presents clips from the main show that highlight some of their boldest...
Plot: Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May travel the globe as the hosts of this Amazon original series. At each location -- including Johannesburg, Lapland, Rotterdam, Stuttgart Whitby, Scotland, California, Nashville and Dubai -- the team films inside their giant traveling tent instead of a studio...
Plot: "Top Gear" host Richard Hammond hits the road to take the ultimate driving test on "Richard Hammond's Crash Course." Traveling across the U.S., Hammond learns how to operate some of America's largest and most-dangerous vehicles. It usually takes years for people to master the vehicles, but Hammond...
Plot: Highlights from the latest series; Richard Hammond incinerates his choice of worst car of all time; James May drives the cheapest car on the road.