Plot: The `Top Chef' franchise expands with this show that sees competitors from previous seasons of `Top Chef' and `Top Chef Masters' competing in head-to-head battles. Each episode features two chefs testing their skill, creativity and speed in three rounds, with the last round determining who advances...
Plot: It's all-out war between six-year-old Tom and his eight-year-old sister Nina. Fighting like cat and dog, they´re always on one another's backs. But for their parents, what they dread most is when the bickering stops.
Plot: Israel "Reefa" Hernandez Jr, an 18-year-old Colombian immigrant and talented artist, is spending his last summer in Miami with friends, family and his new girl Frankie before moving to New York City on an art scholarship. While Israel and his friends skateboard the city streets and spray paint the walls...
Plot: Series about the daily life of two sisters: Marina, who is still very innocent at seven years old, and Wendy, thirteen years old and going through an adolescent crisis. The girls often clash, but always find a way to work it out and make peace.
Plot: MasterChef France is a French television series broadcast on TF1 in France. It premiered on August 19, 2010. It is produced by Shine France and TF1 and has run for four seasons. The original presenter, Carole Rousseau, was controversially removed from the programme in 2013. Wikipedia
Plot: Olivier Delacroix, an unusual journalist with a keen sense of understanding people, solves absurd criminal cases and poses an atypical look at the society.
Plot: La France a un incroyable talent, previously known as Incroyable Talent, is a French TV show, based on the Got Talent series. It debuted on M6 on 2 November 2006, presented by Alessandra Sublet. Wikipedia