Plot: A clever orange nutcase, Lamput, escapes from a hidden laboratory, thus sending scientists Slim Doc and Fat Doc in a frenzy as they try hard to capture him. However, Lamput always manages to escape.
Plot: Clarence is a spirited boy who sees the best in everything. His unique perspective on life transforms even a mundane situation into one that is interesting or fun. Epic dirt fights, awkward crushes and secret tree forts are all par for the course for the youngster, who shares his experiences with his...
Plot: In the future year 201X, naive youngster K.O. aspires to be a superhero in a video game-inspired world set in Lakewood Plaza. Luckily for him, he's the newest employee at Gar's Bodega, the go-to spot for hero supplies and a bonding place for K.O. and his co-workers/best friends, human Enid and alien...
Plot: The humor and pop culture parodies featured in MAD magazine are brought out of the pages and onto the small screen in this satirical animated sketch show. Each episode includes cartoon parodies of different TV shows, movies, games, celebrities and media. No one is safe from becoming a parody in the...
Plot: Created by British animator and illustrator Julia Pott, the series follows the adventures of Oscar and his best friend, Hedgehog, who have just been dropped off at their first summer camp. Away from their parents, the two quickly learn that Summer Camp Island is not a normal summer camp: the counselors...
Plot: Mischief, mayhem and Mesoamerican myths rule the day for Victor and Valentino. They are half-brothers from Monte Macabre, a small, mysterious town that they explore while simultaneously trying to appreciate each other's quirks and differences. While spending the summer with their Grandma Chata, the...
Plot: Desperate to achieve his evil aspirations, Black Hat attempts to sell various evil inventions created by Dr. Flug. However, things usually go wrong for him as the innovations tend to have small and often comical flaws.
Plot: Ninjin is the second original animated series from Cartoon Network Brazil, co-produced by Pocket Trap and Birdo Studio, based on the 2018 game Ninjin: Clash of Carrots. The series was created by Pocket Trap and Roger Keese, premiering on September 4, 2019 on Cartoon Network. Wikipedia
Plot: In a world populated by anthropomorphic food, Apple and Onion, a pair of childlike newcomers to the big city, attempt to fit into their new surroundings.
Plot: The crazy adventures of Oswaldo, an ingenious and dreamy penguin of 12 years with an innate ability to transform any daily situation into an unforgettable adventure.