Plot: Nicoletta travels to Italy from Japan to meet her estranged mother who she has not seen since she was a young child. Once there, Nicoletta becomes immersed working in her stepfather's restaurant and the lives of the other workers. Everything is fine so long as she does not reveal who she really is and...
Plot: Starship Operators is a Japanese light novel series written by Ryo Mizuno. Six volumes were published by MediaWorks between 2001 and 2005. An anime television series adaptation animated by J.C.Staff aired on TV Tokyo from January to March 2005. Starship Operators is licensed in North America by Geneon...
Plot: Saint Beast is a Japanese anime series which centers on gods, guardian angels, animal spirits, and magic. It is a spin-off of the series Angel Tales. Saint Beast is originally a CD drama centering on the lives of the six Holy Beasts, and their attraction to one another. Wikipedia
Plot: Damekko DÅbutsu is a manga series by Noriko Kuwata serialized in Manga Life since the November 2001 issue. It was later adapted into a comedy anime series on Kids Station, a Japanese broadcast satellite station. It features characters that wear kigurumi costumes. Wikipedia
Plot: Set in 1955, the anime follows the story of seven teenagers locked in a reformatory, waiting for a ray of light in a daily hell of suffering and humiliation, focusing especially on how they faced the life once regained freedom.
Plot: Occult Academy is a Japanese anime television series produced by A-1 Pictures and Aniplex and directed by Tomohiko ItÅ. The 13-episode anime premiered in Japan on the TV Tokyo television network on July 6, 2010. Occult Academy is the third and final project of Anime no Chikara. Wikipedia