Plot: Follows a family of dinosaurs residing in the modern world. They have TVs, fridges and various other objects. The only human beings around them are cavemen, who are considered pets and wild animals.
Plot: Troy is the fastest train in the world, who makes new friends as he carries out his job. Troy is entrusted with bringing new vehicles into Car City, and he has lots of adventures as their guide.
Plot: Ethan is a small yet very active dump truck. He is always rushing into new adventures, and tries to learn as much as he can through the games he plays. Ethan is a small yet very active dump truck. He is always rushing into new adventures, and tries to learn as much as he can through the games he plays...
Plot: Troy is the fastest train in the world, who makes new friends as he carries out his job. Troy is entrusted with bringing new vehicles into Car City, and he has lots of adventures as their guide.
Plot: Super Truck is always ready to rescue when a vehicle in Car City is in danger or can no longer do their job. He is a hero among his friends and he embarks on a series of adventures.
Plot: Tom the Tow Truck is an ingenious mechanic, always there to help his friends. When accidents happen in Car City, Tom gets them into his garage and repairs them. Follow him in his important mission.