Plot: Earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes and firestorms are some of the natural disasters that have ravaged Earth throughout its history. `Perfect Storms' takes a look at how some of the most significant disasters in history have decimated civilisations and changed the planet forever. Among the what-if sit...
Plot: This series marks the 70th anniversary of Adolf Hitler's death by looking back at the dictator's rise, the creation of the Nazi Party and its ultimate fall. The episodes begin by examining the state of Europe in the early 20th century, where civil unrest led to the appeal of National Socialism. The...
Plot: This series marks the 70th anniversary of Adolf Hitler's death by looking back at the dictator's rise, the creation of the Nazi Party and its ultimate fall. The episodes begin by examining the state of Europe in the early 20th century, where civil unrest led to the appeal of National Socialism. The...