Plot: The Million Dollar Drop is a game show which airs on Nine Network in Australia and is based on the UK series The Million Pound Drop Live. However, unlike the original UK version, it is not broadcast live, and there are several changes to the format. The show premiered on 21 March 2011 and is hosted...
Plot: Secret Story - Casa dos Segredos: Luta Pelo Poder is the new all-stars format of the Portuguese version of the reality show Secret Story, which based on the original French version and of Big Brother. Wikipedia
Plot: Achas que Sabes Dançar is a televised dance competition that was aired on Portugal's SIC network in spring and summer of 2010. It has a format similar to that of other shows in the international So You Think You Can Dance television franchise, of which it is the Portuguese iteration. Wikipedia
Plot: Twentysomething Josh is going through a number of big changes as he navigates his first decade of adulthood. After being dumped by his girlfriend, he comes to the realization that he is gay. After that shocker, he moves back into the family home to help care for his mother, who has previously attempted...
Plot: Karan and Arjun reincarnate in the different parts of the country. But the faith of their previous mother brings them together in order to avenge their death.
Plot: Rob Lowe hosts this mental obstacle course that sees contestants battling the boundaries of their minds to answer questions accurately with speed and precision. Not only does the course test their acumen in categories of knowledge, memory, puzzles and sequencing, but players must also contend with...