Plot: The Land Gone Wild is a television serial composed of forty-five episodes in four series shot in 1997, 2001, 2008 and 2012, based on Jirí Stránský's novels Zdivocelá zeme (The Land Gone Wild) and Aukce (Auction). Combining the retrospective with the adventure genres, it covers the period from the...
Plot: The series entitled Capek's Pockets represents a novel and unique student project in which talented young directors and experienced scriptwriters came together to produced their rendering of Tales from One Pocket and Tales from the Other Pocket by the outstanding Czech writer Karel Capek. Rather than...
Plot: The Devil's Ruse is a Czech crime movie. The movie was shot in A Benedictine monastery of Saint Václav in Broumov, the Church of Saint Margaret in Podlažice and City Museum, Chrast by Chrudim. Wikipedia
Plot: Follow the pioneers of criminalistics across four centuries, be a witness to groundbreaking discoveries that forever changed the world of crime-fighting. From fingerprints to forensic ballistics, from Vidocq to Pinkerton. Thrilling tales from the history of criminology. The heroes aren't famous...
Plot: The series of individual stories about the ordinary and extra-ordinary joys and sorrows of everyday living in a small Czech town is a riveting mosaic of destinies linked through the setting of the Town Square and two characteristic personalities the lady in the newspaper booth and a former inspector...