Plot: Oi Treis Harites is a Greek comedy series created by Michalis Reppas and Thanasis Papathanasiou which aired on Mega Channel from February 8, 1990 to April 20, 1992. The name "Harites" was taken partly from ancient Greek mythology and partly from their surname, which was "Haritou". Wikipedia
Plot: Hamoon's wife is leaving him. He is also unsuccessfully trying to finish his Ph.D. thesis. He is forced to reexamine his life. In a series of flashbacks and dreams, Hamoon tries to figure out what he did wrong.
Plot: The lives of four women who are friends from their childhood: Marina, Sarah, Gianna and Alice. Marina has just met the man of her life, Demosthenes, who seems to care for her. Now the girl waiting for the phone call. The three friends, arrange to come together to discuss the Marina, with details, for...
Plot: Arbitrary coexistence! Arbitrary humor! Arbitrary laugh! A turn became - arbitrarily - great success! Can you imagine two families with the same name, which can stay in the same building, but their members have the slightest family relationship between them? "Why not, it is a pure coincidence", is the...
Plot: Ti Psuxi Tha Paradoseis Mori? is a Greek black comedy series created by Alexandros Rigas and Dimitris Apostolou which aired on Mega Channel in 2000 and lasted only 6 episodes. The series focuses on the lives of four women who want to take revenge from the man who sexually abused them when they were...
Plot: Stavros is a guy who wants to remain a bachelor and owns a chocolate factory. One day,his mother decides that he is in the proper age to marry and he shouldn't wait anymore. Stavros and his best friend hire a call girl named Natasa and present her as Stravros' girlfriend,in order to make her change...
Plot: Five very close friends decide to move to Athens as soon as they finish high-school. But when two of them fall in love, their trip takes an unpredictable turn.