Plot: "This is..." is an award-winning live-action television series that opens up the world to preschoolers. In "This is..." young viewers are offered the rare opportunity to see one of their own exploring, learning and creating. During series 3, seven-year-old hosts, Scarlett and Isaiah, embark on brand...
Plot: "This is..." is an award-winning live-action television series that opens up the world to preschoolers. In "This is..." young viewers are offered the rare opportunity to see one of their own exploring, learning and creating. During series 3, seven-year-old hosts, Scarlett and Isaiah, embark on brand...
Plot: Hosted by 6-year-old Emily Yeung, this show is geared toward preschoolers. Emily plays, learns, shares, and socializes with everyone from farmers to fireworks experts, to prima ballerinas and balloon artists. Each episode introduces a new experience related to what children are interested in. A special...
Plot: Daniel Cook hosts this live-action, on-location original series. Six-year-old Daniel explores the world, sharing his perspective. In each episode he explores, learns, and creates with everyone from chocolate makers to world champion figure skaters, from firefighters to award-winning writers.
Plot: Each week five contestants train for, and then compete in, a series of mental and physical challenges. Three teens will make it through the first elimination round and travel to a new location for their final challenge to win prizes and the title of "Ultimate Adrenalite."
Plot: A group of teenagers from schools and sports clubs across Canada, the UK and Australia go through a series of challenges in order to win the competition.