Plot: It's been three years since Mike Lane's (Channing Tatum) retirement from stripping, but the former dancer misses the excitement and feeling of being on stage. Most of all, though, he misses the best friends that he ever had, the crew known as the Kings of Tampa. Opportunity comes knocking when the...
Plot: Long-time married couple Pete and Debbie struggle with the idea of turning 40. With disobedient kids and rising debts coupled with an unwanted pregnancy, the two head towards a myriad of problems.
Plot: Wilee is a bicycle messenger who rides a single-gear bike with no brakes. His routine delivery turns into a dangerous chase when his last package of the day is pursued by corrupt police officers.
Plot: Tripp's life takes a turn when he discovers a mysterious creature that consumes oil at the junkyard where he works and learns that he is on the run from a fracking company.
Plot: After a series of murders bearing all the markings of the Jigsaw killer, law enforcement officials find themselves chasing the ghost of a man who has been dead for over a decade, and they become embroiled in a new game that's only just begun. Is John Kramer back from the dead to remind the world to...
Plot: John Shaft Jr may be an FBI cyber security expert, but to uncover the truth behind his best friend's untimely death, he needs an education that only his dad can provide. Absent throughout his childhood, the legendary John Shaft agrees to help his son navigate the heroin-infested underbelly of Harlem...