Plot: From creator David Farr comes `Troy: Fall of a City', an epic retelling of the 10-year siege of Troy. Told from the perspective of the Trojan Family, this series delves into the rich history of the Trojan War and the love, intrigue and betrayal of the people who lived through it. On a trip to Sparta...
Plot: Shown in Great Britain for more than five years (debuting in 1961) before it caught on in America, `The Avengers' is a secret-agent thriller that almost bests James Bond. Jonathan Steed - an urbane, proper gentleman spy - teams with various assistants throughout the series' run, including Dr. David...
Plot: Eneide is a seven-episode 1971รข1972 Italian television drama, adapted by Franco Rossi from Virgil's epic poem the Aeneid. It stars Giulio Brogi as Aeneas and Olga Karlatos as Dido, and also stars Alessandro Haber, Andrea Giordana and Marilรยน Tolo. Wikipedia