Plot: Christine Bleakley documents her exploration of Ireland in this travelogue series. The presenter goes on walks, climbs, drives and swims around the country via the Wild Atlantic Way, a 1500-mile-long coastal route. The journey begins from Malin Head in Donegal and ends at Clonakilty in Cork. Along...
Plot: Underwater cameraman Ken O'Sullivan embarks on a series of voyages out into the open North Atlantic in search of large whales, sharks and cold water coral reefs 3,000 metres down on Ireland's deep sea bed. Ken documents many of these creatures' behaviour for the first time in any TV programme and investigates...
Plot: Stretching from the Antarctic in the south to the Arctic in the north, the Atlantic Ocean is vast, wild and unforgiving and each season brings new challenges for its indigenous creatures.
Plot: Stretching from the Antarctic in the south to the Arctic in the north, the Atlantic Ocean is vast, wild and unforgiving and each season brings new challenges for its indigenous creatures.
Plot: The host looks at some of the most spectacular migrations where animals of all kinds travel across vast distances for food, mates, safety and survival.