Plot: A women's health clinic in Philadelphia is the setting for this drama. While dealing with a number of medical issues, the show often revolves around the conflict between the clinic's directors: one a passionate advocate for patients and the other a more discipline-oriented doctor.
Plot: Mary Beth Lacey and Chris Cagney are female police officers in New York City. The women are partners and friends, but they lead different personal lives. Cagney is a single, career-minded woman, while Lacey is a married mother. In addition to going after the bad guys, the ladies have to combat sexism...
Plot: New York police Detectives J.C. Williams, a recently divorced cop trying to be a good father to his son, and Eddie Torres, a young Puerto Rican who struggles with his heritage, try to balance their stressful work duties with their own personal demands. Their boss, Lt. Virginia Cooper, is tough but...
Plot: High-powered attorney Theodore Hoffman defends Neil Avedon, an arrogant young actor with a track record of drug-and-alcohol problems, in a murder trial so complex that it spanned the entire first season. The trial also involves Richard Cross, the wealthy businessman who owned the building where the...
Plot: The Greenleaf family, which runs sprawling Memphis megachurch Calvary Fellowship World Ministries, appears to be a loving and caring clan. Beneath the surface, though, exists scandalous secrets and lies. Greed, adultery and sibling rivalry are among the issues that threaten to test the family's faith...
Plot: Astronaut Molly Woods tries to reconnect with her husband, John, and son, Ethan, after returning from a 13-month solo mission in outer space. Her experiences can change the course of human history.
Plot: Fania Fenelon (Vanessa Redgrave), a classical pianist and singer in Paris, is arrested during the Nazi occupation for her support of the French underground resistance. After being sent to the Auschwitz concentration camp, she is recognized as a famous musician, and becomes a member of the camp's all...
Plot: They Came from Outer Space is an American science fiction comedy series that aired in syndication from October 1990 to March 1991. The series was created by Tom McLoughlin. Wikipedia
Plot: Haley's grandmother, Queen, moves to the North after the US Civil War. There she discovers that she can `pass' as White, escaping the limits placed on her by racism.
Plot: The French as Seen by... was the title and subject of a series of five short films by notable directors. It was initiated and sponsored by the newspaper Le Figaro, as part of the 1988 celebration of the tenth anniversary of its magazine section. Wikipedia
Plot: A Dog Year is a 2009 American made-for-television comedy-drama film written and directed by first-time director George LaVoo and starring Jeff Bridges. It was originally broadcast on HBO on September 3, 2009. The film is based on the memoir by Jon Katz and adapted by LaVoo. Wikipedia
Plot: This Steven Bochco-produced series pulls few punches in portraying the day-to-day lives of cops in New York's 15th Precinct. Characters' personal lives intertwine with the cases they work, which often deal with the worst elements the city has to offer. Many characters came and went during the show's...
Plot: Sensitive, introspective adults or self-absorbed, whiny yuppies? That debate still rages around this drama series about a group of close-knit friends in Philadelphia. Michael and Elliot, colleagues at a large ad agency, leave those jobs to open an agency of their own. Hope, Michael's overachieving wife...
Plot: Monica, Tess and Andrew are angels sent on Earth to help people having great difficulties wherein they also learn valuable lessons. They remind people about the love of God for them.
Plot: In her haste to treat an emergency, Carol leaves a medical bag in her unlocked car. After some local boys steal the bag, the hunt is on for the dangerous drugs contained in it, and Carol is left fighting for her career. Meanwhile, Peggy and David look after the funeral parlour in Bernie's absence -...
Plot: Born into a poor family in St. Louis, Josephine Baker (Lynn Whitfield) struggles to make a name for herself on the vaudeville circuit. As her career progresses, so does her resentment of racial prejudice, motivating her to move to Paris -- where in a short time, her exotic dance routines make her the...