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The Water Brothers

The Water Brothers

Description: Brothers Alex and Tyler Mifflin are united on their quest to explore the most precious natural resource on earth: water. With environmentalist Alex doing the research and film school graduate Tyler directing the production, the two set out on a journey that brings them all over the world to some of the most interesting water sources the planet has to offer, including the frozen waters of the Arctic Circle and the coral reefs of the Caribbean. Once on location, they investigate the problems people are facing with regard to water and how they can be solved by speaking with local people and experts.
Genre: Documentary
Year Released: 2012
Number of seasons: 4
Number of episodes: 26
First episode air date: March 19, 2012
Nominations: Canadian Screen Award for Best Science or Nature Documentary Program or Series
Executive Producers: Jonathan Barker, Wendy MacKeigan, Jane Jankovic
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