Plot: The Voice is an international reality television singing competition franchise. It is based on the reality singing competition The Voice of Holland, which was originally created by Dutch television producer John de Mol. Many other countries have adapted the format and begun airing their own versions...
Plot: Karma Rider is a 2013 Hong Kong ancient crime television drama produced by TVB, starring Raymond Wong and Priscilla Wong as the main leads with Matt Yeung, Evergreen Mak, Kaki Leung, Cilla Kung, Helena Law, Yoyo Chen, Cheung Kwok Keung, Benjamin Yuen, Matthew Ko, Rachel Kan and Kenny Wong in major...
Plot: ICAC Investigators 2014 is the 2014 edition of the ICAC Investigator series, produced by Independent Commission Against Corruption and broadcast on TVB. Each criminal case is based on actual cases investigated by the ICAC. Wikipedia
Plot: Inbound Troubles, is a Hong Kong television comedy-drama serial produced by TVB and Wong Wai-sing. The serial, which touches on the growing cultural differences between Hong Kong and mainland China, premiered on Monday, 14 January 2013 on Jade and HD Jade, and ran for 20 episodes. Wikipedia
Plot: Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. is an American diversified multinational mass media and entertainment conglomerate headquartered at the Warner Bros. Studios complex in Burbank, California, and a subsidiary of AT&T's WarnerMedia through its Studios and Networks Group division. Wikipedia
Plot: Return of the Silver Tongue is a 2013 till 2014 Hong Kong drama series produced by TVB, starring Roger Kwok and Kristal Tin as the main leads, with Priscilla Wong, Evergreen Mak, Jerry Lamb, Henry Lee, KK Cheung Kwok Keung and Fred Cheng in main supporting roles. The series is produced by Lee Yim Fong...
Plot: Tung Wah Charity Show is a long-running charity television show raising funds for Tung Wah Group of Hospitals in Hong Kong which started in 1979. It is organised by Television Broadcasts Limited annually on a Saturday or Sunday in December. Wikipedia