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The Tuckers
Description: Character-led comedy about the close-knit Tucker family, who are determined to survive through any means necessary. Genre: Comedy Year Released: 2020 Number of seasons: 3 Number of episodes: 9 First episode air date: January 10, 2020 Cast: Steve Speirs
Plot: `Still Game' is a long-running Scottish sitcom, set in the fictional area of Craiglang in Glasgow and featuring characters from the series `Chewin' the Fat'. The show began in theatre before moving to radio and television, and proved so popular among its Scottish audience that it was broadcast nationally...
Plot: The Thompsons, a refined British family, are in for a shock when their daughter, Rachel, returns home after a gap year with a hippy American husband, Cuckoo.
Plot: Following the success of the 2014 special `Agatha Raisin and the Quiche of Death', Sky returns the quirky crime drama for a series of standalone stories based on the works of author M.C. Beaton. Ashley Jensen (`Ugly Betty') resumes her role as notorious heroine Agatha. Matthew Horne (`Gavin and Stacey...
Plot: In mathematics, a trigonometric series is a series of the form: It is called a Fourier series if the terms and have the form: where is an integrable function. Wikipedia
Plot: One of the United Kingdom's most famous comedy duos return as David Mitchell and Robert Webb star in this six-part comedy series. Following the death of his dad, Stephen looks set to step into his late father's shoes and gain control of the family business. However, when an unexpected guest named Andrew...
Plot: This candid, family-centred comedy and coming-of-age story `Derry Girls' follows 16-year-old Erin and her friends as they grow up in a world of armed police in armoured Land Rovers and British Army check points in the 1990s of Northern Ireland. Written by `Being Human' screenwriter Lisa McGee, the story...
Plot: An international documentary strand that comprises 20 contemporary and challenging documentaries from different filmmakers gathered from across the globe.
Plot: Clair, an ex-police officer, moves away from the city in order to escape her violent past that still disturbs her. But soon, she is dragged back to the case by John, her former lover and colleague.
Plot: Dan is a teacher who may be less mature than his students - he can best be described as a child trapped in an adult's life - and his world is nearing a collapse. His friends are dysfunctional, including best friend Jo, who has just a loose grasp on reality. His girlfriend, Naomi, is quickly running...
Plot: After the death of her fiance, Luella Shakespeare joins Frank Hathaway, a private detective, to help him solve some bizarre cases in Stratford-upon-Avon.
Plot: Charlie and Lola are fictional children created by the English writer and illustrator Lauren Child in 2000. They were introduced in a series of picture books and later adapted as animated television characters. Wikipedia
Plot: Fun-loving 5-year-old Henry Hugglemonster, the middle child in a close-knit monster family, goes on adventures where he learns various life lessons like learning to work in a team and helping others. Joining Henry on his adventures are his parents, Daddo and Momma, and siblings Cobby, Summer and baby...
Plot: Charlie Harper is a jingle writer who leads a hedonistic, carefree life. Everything changes when his good-for-nothing brother, Alan, and 10-year-old nephew, Jake, move into his Malibu beach house.