Plot: The sequel to `The Story of Tracy Beaker' finds a growing Tracy, now a teenager, back at the Dumping Ground foster home, but this time as a care assistant. As she gets involved in the lives of the children living there, becoming a role model of sorts, the feisty Tracy also continues to test the patience...
Plot: Tracy Beaker is a kid in care - a resident of the Elm Tree House home for children, better known by its occupants as the Dumping Ground. Tracy longs for a home and a family. She thinks she might have found one in Cam Lawson, who serves as Tracy's foster mum for a short time. Still, Tracy makes friends...
Plot: Dumping Ground characters gather to watch videos made by Ashdene Ridge residents about their lives there. Featuring a mixture of new scenes and classic moments from The Dumping Ground.
Plot: The eighth series of the British children's television series The Dumping Ground began broadcasting on 10 January 2020 on CBBC. The series follows the lives of the children living in the fictional children's care home of Ashdene Ridge, nicknamed by them "The Dumping Ground". Wikipedia