Plot: A hosted horror movie show with Nora Denney as "Marilyn, The Witch" presenting horror movies on KCMO-TV 5, Kansas City, Missouri in the late 1950's. A hosted horror movie show with Nora Denney as "Marilyn, The Witch" presenting horror movies on KCMO-TV 5, Kansas City, Missouri between 1958-1959. Marilyn...
Plot: Teresa Chavez is a young woman with an obsession for money and ambition. Despite her beauty and the fact that she was raised in the bosom of a loving family, she is resentful; her one desire is to leave her humble neighborhood.
Plot: Paul, an irritable and stressed-out hotel manager, begins to gradually develop paranoid delusions about his wife's infidelity. As he succumbs to green-eyed jealousy, his life starts to crumble. Each step on his downward spiral to madness seems to accelerate, driving him further along the path to a personal...