Plot: With unfettered access to the inner workings of the London's Tube, engineer Rob Bell explores the remarkable history of the construction of London's iconic metro. From the world's first deep tube line to the longest tube line in London, Rob discovers unique facets in every corner of the underground...
Plot: Commercial and financial projects of ever increasing scale have spawned new city models in Amsterdam, London and New York over the course of 400 years; a look at the past 400 years to see how the cities have contributed to world-wide development.
Plot: One of Britain's most iconic landmarks, during its 950-year history the Tower of London has been home to kings, traitors, bureaucrats and exotic animals, and has stood constant as part of London's skyline throughout the plague, the Great Fire and the bombs of the Blitz. In the present day, its only...
Plot: One of Britain's most iconic landmarks, during its 950-year history the Tower of London has been home to kings, traitors, bureaucrats and exotic animals, and has stood constant as part of London's skyline throughout the plague, the Great Fire and the bombs of the Blitz. In the present day, its only...
Plot: Historians Dan Jones and Suzannah Lipscomb team up with engineer Rob Bell to tell the story of the Great Fire of London as it happened in real time. Over 350 years after the fact, `The Great Fire' explores exactly what went down, hour by hour, street by street as the fire spread and destroyed almost...