Plot: After the loss of their parents in a mysterious fire, the three Baudelaire children face trials and tribulations attempting to uncover dark family secrets. After the Baudelaire parents die in a terrible fire, the Baudelaire orphans search for their families secrets and get them and their fortune away...
Plot: The first season of Wizards of Waverly Place aired on Disney Channel from October 12, 2007 to August 31, 2008. The season introduces the Russo children, Alex, Justin, and Max Russo as they compete to become the leading wizard in their family. Wikipedia
Plot: Alex Rider is a series of spy novels by British author Anthony Horowitz about a teenage spy named Alex Rider. The series is aimed primarily at teens and young adults. The series comprises thirteen novels, as well as six graphic novels, seven short stories, and a supplementary book. Wikipedia
Plot: Emma Swan's past disasters drag her into the small town of Maine. She is the long-lost daughter of a king, who must protect her town from the curse of an evil queen.
Plot: This action-packed fantasy-drama revisits the saga of King Arthur and his wizard, Merlin, by focusing on the two characters when they were ambitious young men struggling to understand their destinies. In this telling, Prince Arthur is known to be the heir to the throne (no sword from the stone here)....
Plot: When three Gelfling discover the horrifying secret behind the Skeksis' power, they set out on an epic journey to ignite the fires of rebellion and try to save their world.
Plot: His Dark Materials is a trilogy of fantasy novels by Philip Pullman consisting of Northern Lights, The Subtle Knife, and The Amber Spyglass. It follows the coming of age of two children, Lyra Belacqua and Will Parry, as they wander through a series of parallel universes. Wikipedia
Plot: In the magical land of Xadia, magic comes from six primal sources: the sun, moon, stars, sky, earth and ocean. When human mages create a seventh kind of magic -- dark magic -- they start capturing and harvesting the unique magical creatures they need as ingredients, which sparks a war between Xadia...
Plot: On one day in 1989, 43 infants are inexplicably born to random, unconnected women who showed no signs of pregnancy the day before. Seven are adopted by billionaire industrialist Sir Reginald Hargreeves, who creates the Umbrella Academy and prepares his "children" to save the world. In their teenage...
Plot: Rapunzel, kept under lock and key, wishes to see the source of the lanterns and discover the world outside. Her wishes come true when she comes across the runaway thief, Flynn.
Plot: Agent Phil Coulson leads a team of highly skilled agents from the global law-enforcement organisation known as S.H.I.E.L.D. Together, they combat extraordinary and inexplicable threats.