Plot: The series is based on the life of Hannah Baxter, a prostitute. She hides her true identity from everyone and lives under the pen name, Belle de Jour.
Plot: In this Dutch drama, music journalist Peter and his teacher girlfriend Eva purchase a home on the outskirts of Amsterdam after learning of Eva's pregnancy. Soon after buying their home, Peter and Eva meet their new neighbours, police detective Steef and personal trainer Rebecca. The young couple quickly...
Plot: Set in a colorful academic community in Texas, this series follows a frustrated filmmaker named Chris and a writer, Sylvere, who are in a troubled marriage, and their fascination with a charismatic professor named Dick. The story is adapted from Chris Kraus' novel of the same name, and is told Rashomon...
Plot: Inspired by Federico Moccia's books, this series follows Summer, who longs to leave her small town and see the world, as she meets Ale, a motorcyclist.