Plot: Martin and Chris Kratt star in this preschool series that teaches children how to respect and care for animals. Zoboomafoo, a playful little lemur, hangs around Animal Junction with Matt and Chris. The watering hole is an animal pit stop where a steady stream of animal visitors wander in from around...
Plot: Some call him a modern-day Dr. Dolittle, but Martha Stewart calls him her go-to guy when it comes to animals. Marc Morrone, who has owned a pet store for more than 30 years and written multiple books about caring for animals, hosts this show that offers advice on caring for pets. Filmed at his Rockville...
Plot: Animal Tails is an American television variety show for teenage animal lovers. Hosted by comedian Mark Curry, the series highlights different features of the animal kingdom, from pets to more exotic animals. Reruns of this series currently air Saturday mornings on Bounce TV. Wikipedia
Plot: Flash and his friends help young children develop a knowledge and affection for animals, consciousness to a lifelong love of conservation of nature and wildlife.