Plot: Kate Humble and Dr. Helen Czerski go on a mission to chronicle the devastating effects of Earth's movements. By following its voyage around the sun for one complete orbit, 584 million miles, Humble and Czerski discover why the planet tilts and how this results in such weather events as monsoons. They...
Plot: `Colour: The Spectrum of Science' is a three-part documentary following Dr Helen Czerski as she explores the facts behind Earth's colours. Using a set of 15 colours as a guide, the physicist goes on a journey to discover how a colourful world was created from a baron grey rock. In California, Czerski...
Plot: Physicist Brian Cox discusses various aspects of the universe, featuring a "wonder" related to each featured topic. Among the topics covered are the nature of time, relating humans to the life cycles of stars and the effect of gravity across the universe.
Plot: This co-production of the BBC and the Science Channel is hosted by physicist Brian Cox ("Wonders of the Universe"), who is fascinated by the wonders of our planet and the laws of nature that created them. In this five-part series he travels the globe to examine some of the most compelling phenomena...
Plot: What is life? And how did it begin? Professor Brian Cox explores the globe to reveal how a few fundamental laws of science gave birth to the most complex, and unique, feature of the universe. In the five-part series, Cox -- a professor of physics at the University of Manchester in England -- travels...
Plot: In this series Professor Brian Cox explores some of the world's most spectacular sights by explaining how the forces of the universe have impacted Earth. The host discusses the planet's beauty in terms of shapes, colours and movement. In the first episode Cox reveals why there are intricate patterns...