Plot: It's 1832 in West Yorkshire, England -- the cradle of the evolving Industrial Revolution -- where landowner Anne Lister is determined to save her faded ancestral home, Shibden Hall, even if it means bucking society's expectations. In addition to reopening the coal mines, a part of Lister's plan to...
Plot: Based on an award-winning play ("The Audience") by showrunner Peter Morgan, this lavish, Netflix-original drama chronicles the life of Queen Elizabeth II from the 1940s to modern times. The series begins with an inside look at the early reign of the queen, who ascended the throne at age 25 after the...
Plot: "Masterpiece Theatre" presents adaptations of classic literature and the work of contemporary writers as acted out by prestigious thespians. Among the stories that have been featured in the series' run are "I, Claudius," "Henry VIII" and "The Forsyte Saga."
Plot: The life of Catherine the Great toward the end of her reign during her affair with Grigory Potemkin; amid scandal, intrigue and immense conflict, they develop a unique and devoted relationship, overcoming their adversaries.
Plot: Created by Roland Moore, `Land Girls' follows the lives and loves of four girls away from home, doing their bit for Britain in the Women's Land Army. Set on the Hoxley Manor estate, against the backdrop of war-weary Britain in the 1940s, the series depicts how the girls balance their working lives at...
Plot: Robert Crawley risks losing the family estate after his heirs die in the Titanic. Soon, the Crawleys are introduced to Matthew, the next heir in line, who resists the aristocratic way of life.
Plot: Set in 17th-century Virginia, USA, this drama series follows the lives of the first settlers in the English colony of Jamestown. Alice, Verity and Jocelyn arrive ready to marry three men in the colony, who have paid for the women's transition to the New World. But upon their arrival, they quickly recognise...
Plot: Written by the co-creators of `Star Stories', this comedy soap opera is a parody of the lives of the British royal family. The all-star cast features Harry Enfield as HRH Prince Charles, Haydn Gwynne as the Duchess of Cornwall, and Hugh Skinner as Prince `Wills' William. Sketches are influenced by the...