Plot: Eric Morecambe and Ernie Wise, better known simply as Morecambe and Wise, were a popular comedy duo from 1941 until Morecambe's death in 1984. This documentary series blends first-hand testimony from, among others, Morecambe's widow and celebrity fans of the pair with rare and unseen footage to provide...
Plot: Martin Clunes narrates this documentary celebrating the success of the `Carry On' films. The brand has captured audiences throughout the world, and is known for introducing legendary comedy acts such as Sid James, Charles Hawtrey and Kenneth Williams. The show replays iconic moments, as well as revealing...
Plot: Jonathan Ross explores the story of the much-loved comedy duo's attempts to become stars in America during the 1960s through interviews with family, friends and fans of Eric and Ernie.
Plot: A countdown of Britain's most revered sitcoms that have made us laugh over the past half century. The programme features interviews with a host of famous faces, including Brendan O'Carroll, Richard Wilson, Tony Robinson and many others.