Plot: Jamaica, St. Lucia, Trinidad and Tobago continue to attract bustling tourist business, but those affluent travelers also attract the attention of drug smugglers, thieves and other criminals -- who in turn draw the stern focus of local police forces, the men and women who face difficult odds in maintaining...
Plot: Documentary series joining police forces across Australia as they deal with everything from dramatic siege situations, major drug busts and murder investigations.
Plot: This observational documentary follows the Greater Manchester Police in action as they work towards protecting the 2.7 million people who live in the area. With 5 per cent of the UK's population under their supervision, they are the busiest force outside of London. The episodes capture the footage...
Plot: Road Wars is a police reality television programme created by Raw Cut TV for British Sky Broadcasting and broadcast on Sky1 from 2003 to 2010. From Series 1 the show was narrated by Lee Boardman who played villain Jez Quigley in ITV soap Coronation Street. Wikipedia
Plot: Drunk drivers and car thieves, among other miscreants, are no match for the high-speed police interception units profiled in this documentary series. Officers from a number of law enforcement units dotted around the United Kingdom are shown patrolling their jurisdictions and keeping the streets as...
Plot: Follow the officers from the Victoria Police Highway Control and take a look at how they deal with the traffic offenders on the major highways in Victoria, Australia.
Plot: Some people buy antiques to collect them, while others purchase old items that they think will make them a profit when selling them on. The antique experts in this series fall into the latter category as they head out on a trip across Britain in search of hidden treasures at bargain prices. They then...
Plot: Television cameras follow real-life law enforcement officers and capture the action as they perform their daily duty to serve and protect the public.