Plot: Enforcing his own brand of justice, US Marshal Raylan, a strong-willed, quiet law-man haunted by his past, returns to his native town to see that justice is served to those in need.
Plot: Notorious criminal Frank Griffin and his gang of outlaws are on a mission -- get revenge on Roy Goode, a former protege who betrayed the brotherhood. On the run, Roy seeks refuge in isolated mining town La Belle, N.M., where he lives with Alice Fletcher, a hardened widower and outcast. When word reaches...
Plot: An ensemble cast led by Scottish actor Iain Glen ("Game of Thrones") and Golden Globe nominee Frances O'Connor ("The Missing") star in a futuristic drama with roots in Aboriginal mythology. Creatures known as Hairypeople, endowed with incredible strength, speed and longevity, seek refuge among humans...
Plot: The Civil War is in the past, but former Confederate soldier Cullen Bohannon can't put it behind him. Fresh are the horrific memories of the death of his wife, killed at the hands of the Union soldiers, an act that sets Bohannon on a course of revenge. This contemporary Western tells the story of his...