Plot: Comedians Billy Crystal and Josh Gad star in this comedy series that mimics their real-life roles. A comedy legend (Crystal) is reluctantly paired with an edgy, up-and-coming comedian (Gad) on a late-night sketch comedy show. "The Comedians" offers a behind-the-scenes look at "The Billy & Josh Show...
Plot: Former New York City transit cop turned comedian Cliff Yates talks with his guests at his home. Cliff and his guest talk about the business of stand-up comedy, and the personal stories of their careers.
Plot: Dawn French's Girls Who Do Comedy is an interview series shown on BBC Four, broadcast for one series in 2006. In the series, Dawn French interviewed some of the most prolific comedians of the century from Phyllis Diller to Catherine Tate and asked about life, love, family and comedy. Wikipedia
Plot: Bob Mortimer's Train Guy comes to life in an animation, Michael Spicer takes on Priti Patel in the viral sensation Room Next Door, and married comedians Rachel Parris and Marcus Brigstocke perform a sensational lip sync battle.
Plot: Netflix takes stand-up comedy global with this series that features a diverse group of comics from 13 regions around the world. Dozens of comics perform, bringing their unique perspectives of what is funny around the world. The comics, who represent eight languages, hail from such nations as South Africa...
Plot: Thomas Frederick Cooper was a British prop comedian and magician. As an entertainer, his appearance was large and lumbering at 6 feet 4 inches, and he habitually wore a red fez when performing. Wikipedia
Plot: Comic Jerry Seinfeld is the creator, executive producer and host of this unique series that features vintage cars, funny conversations and a lot of caffeine. Jerry picks up each guest in a special car -- including the likes of a 1977 Volkswagen camper bus, a 1978 AMC Gremlin, a 1964 Studebaker Avanti...
Plot: What happens when Comedy Central gives Adam Devine an unlimited budget and free reign to plan an epic bash? Viewers find out when Devine invites his favorite up-and-coming comics to parties at grandiose locations like a Los Angeles mansion, a New Orleans bar, and a Hawaiian resort. Things get a little...