Plot: A tycoon in the music industry plans to secure the future of his company by pitting his sons against each other. Meanwhile, his ex-wife plots to reclaim her share of the business.
Plot: "David Makes Man" is a drama series created by Academy Award-winning screenwriter Tarell Alvin McCraney ("Moonlight"). Set in South Florida, this lyrical coming-of-age story centers on a teenage prodigy named David who lives in the projects but attends a magnet school for academically gifted youngsters...
Plot: Kevin Finn is struggling. Directionless and cluelessly self-serving, he seems to be drifting ever closer to total despair. With his life spiraling further and further out of control, he heads home to seek refuge with his widowed twin sister, Amy, and her young daughter. On his first night there, life...
Plot: "Queen Sugar" tells the story of the estranged Bordelon siblings in Louisiana. At the center of the family are Nova, a journalist and activist; Charley, the wife and manager of an NBA player; and formerly incarcerated father Ralph Angel, who is searching for redemption. Following a tragedy in the family...
Plot: A special victims unit of NYPD detectives solve cases based on real crimes. At the same time, they try not to let the dark side of investigation affect their personal lives.
Plot: Miles Finer is a podcaster who is vocal about his disbelief in God. His life, and those of people around him, changes when he receives a friend request on a social networking site from the Almighty.