Plot: Science Channel presents a definitive series on Earth's closest neighbours in the solar system. Former NASA astronaut Mike Massimino hosts, guiding viewers through hour-long episodes that detail Venus, Mars, Neptune, Uranus, the newly discovered Planet 9, and Exoplanets. Also explored are the Milky...
Plot: A close look at the science behind the solar system and the galaxies, through the use of advanced CGI technology which showcases the beauty of the universe.
Plot: Discovery Canada's breakthrough CGI series "Alien Mysteries" takes on some of the most enduring and notable UFO mysteries from the past 50 years. Each episode chronicles accounts of UFO sightings, alien encounters and abduction with re-enactments using CGI and green-screen techniques. Scientists and...
Plot: Alien Planet is a 94-minute docufiction, originally airing on the Discovery Channel, about two internationally built robot probes searching for alien life on the fictional planet Darwin IV. Wikipedia
Plot: Thinking of taking that vacation to space anytime soon? This series examines what it might entail, from the drastic climate shifts to the stunning sights, by bringing viewers up close with these distant worlds via advanced animation. Back on Earth, extreme environments, such as Hawaii's volcanoes or...
Plot: Examining planets, black holes, asteroids, nebulae and other cosmic discoveries using cutting-edge research with photographic images and computer graphics.