Plot: "Informer" is a thrilling six-part drama series starring Paddy Considine, Nabhaan Rizwan and Bel Powley in the lead roles. The series follows Raza Shar, a second generation British-Pakistani man from East London, and his unexpected encounter with Gabe Waters and Holly Morten, who work as counterterrorism...
Plot: Max Liebermann, a student of Sigmund Freud, helps Detective Rheinhardt in the investigation of a series of disturbing murders around the grand cafés and opera houses of 1900s Vienna.
Plot: The Skripals and DS Bailey fight to survive, and Tracy and the emergency services try to locate the source of the nerve agent to prevent further casualties.
Plot: Cal McTeer is a young woman who has returned home to the small fishing village of Orphelin Bay after 10 years in juvenile detention. Upon returning to her hometown, she discovers that it is shrouded in mysteries -- the biggest of which is the commune of outcasts who live in a hidden pocket of the bay...
Plot: Based on the 1958 novel written by Agatha Christie, director Sandra Goldbacher expertly delivers this murder mystery into a three-part miniseries. A year and a half prior to when the story begins, the Argylls are riled from the brutal murder of their heiress mother, Rachel, and the person accused of...
Plot: Joanna is struggling to cope with life as a new mother, and when she and husband Alistair travel with baby Noah from Scotland to Australia, she is completely exhausted by the journey. The knowledge that they are making the trip to fight for custody of Alistair's 14-year-old daughter from his previous...
Plot: Out of the Blue is a British television crime drama series, set and filmed in Sheffield, and broadcast on BBC One between 23 May 1995, and 9 September 1996. A total of twelve episodes were broadcast across two series. John Hannah and David Morrissey starred as the main protagonists in each respective...
Plot: Simon Reeve travels to beautiful and troubled Burma, also called Myanmar, to explore the country after the forced delocation of ethnic Rohingya Muslims from their homes.
Plot: The Wheel of Time is an upcoming American epic fantasy web television series set to premiere on Prime Video. The series is based on Robert Jordan's novel series of the same name, and is produced by Sony Pictures Television and Amazon Studios, with Rafe Judkins serving as showrunner. Wikipedia
Plot: Neighbours Edith and Phil plan to start a new life together, but their dreams are dashed with Edith's son leaving his wife and children and moving in with her.
Plot: Joe Martin, a captain of the Royal Military Police, arrives in British-controlled Yemen with his wife, Honor. While he faces constant threats of attacks, she tackles the issues of women's rights.
Plot: Tomorrow When the War Began is an Australian drama television series based on the Tomorrow series by John Marsden, produced by Michael Boughen and Tony Winley and executive produced by Matthew Street and Kim Vecera. Wikipedia
Plot: Blind 20-something Murphy is drifting through life in a haze of drunkenness, and her only friends are her understanding roommate Jess and Tyson, a sweet teenager she met when he saved her from a violent mugging. Murphy's life is turned upside down when, while out for a walk with her guide dog, she stumbles...
Plot: For those living and working in the countryside, finding true love is often a tall order due to their isolation from the urban dating pool. Luckily, there is an unprecedented number of urban dwellers who are seeking a dramatic change of lifestyle and for many the inspiration to make that happen is...
Plot: Children in Need 2018 was a campaign held in the United Kingdom to raise money for the charity Children in Need. It was the 39th Children in Need appeal show which was broadcast live on BBC One on the evening of Friday 16 November until the early hours of Saturday 17 November. Wikipedia
Plot: A group of celebrities, all with differing beliefs and faiths, put on their walking boots and backpacks to tackle a medieval pilgrimage in order to see whether it still has relevance today.
Plot: A new generation of ultra-right activists and anti-fascist counterparts emerge as the level of hatred, fear, vengeance and political unrest grows.
Plot: Bridgette Bird is a smart, young single mom living in South Boston who is trying to navigate life with a very unconventional family. As she struggles to make ends meet, she strives to create a better life for her son, Larry, and often finds herself making impulsive and immature decisions. The program...