Plot: When Annie (Cameron Diaz) and Jay (Jason Segel) first meet, they have an instant and intense romantic connection. However, 10 years and two children later, the flames of passion have dimmed to dull embers. To bring back the spark, the couple decide to record themselves trying out every position in "...
Plot: Documentary filmmaker John Wilson embarks on an odyssey of self-discovery and cultural observation by covertly filming the lives of fellow New Yorkers while trying to share advice.
Plot: Leslie Knope, a mid-level bureaucrat, wishes to help a local nurse, Ann, convert a disused construction site into a community park but deals with red-tapism and self-centred neighbours.
Plot: Liz Lemon, head writer of a sketch comedy show, has to deal with her arrogant boss and eccentric stars. Regardless, she must run the TV show successfully without losing her mind.