Plot: What adults often take for granted in life's minutiae frequently delights children. One of those kids is Luna, 6, for whom the world is a giant laboratory, filled with opportunities to learn more about what things are, and why and how scientific actions take place. Luna's passion for science prompts...
Plot: Charlie and Lola are fictional children created by the English writer and illustrator Lauren Child in 2000. They were introduced in a series of picture books and later adapted as animated television characters. Wikipedia
Plot: Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Sylvester, Lola, Tweety and Taz all live together as toddlers! The series takes a trip back to when the characters were all preschool age and living with Granny in a big mansion. Learning new things together, Bugs often leads the bunch using their imaginations and learning life...
Plot: A youngster named Sid, who aspires to a career in stand-up comedy, pitches a morning monologue to his stοΏ animals that hinges on a burning question (such as "Why do bananas get brown spots?"), then spends the rest of the day searching for the answer in this hybrid combination of animation and puppetry...
Plot: Clarence is a spirited boy who sees the best in everything. His unique perspective on life transforms even a mundane situation into one that is interesting or fun. Epic dirt fights, awkward crushes and secret tree forts are all par for the course for the youngster, who shares his experiences with his...
Plot: Mischief, mayhem and Mesoamerican myths rule the day for Victor and Valentino. They are half-brothers from Monte Macabre, a small, mysterious town that they explore while simultaneously trying to appreciate each other's quirks and differences. While spending the summer with their Grandma Chata, the...
Plot: Led by 543-year-old Papa Smurf, life is seemingly perfect for the three-apple-tall blue pals living in Smurf Village, except for all the times they must battle the evil wizard Gargamel and his nasty cat Azrael.