Plot: "Doc World" is a weekly showcase that brings international documentaries to an American audience. Produced by WORLD Channel, with funding from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, stories offer a unique and contemporary view into the realities of people and societies from many nations. Episodes...
Plot: Put ten British Muslims with contrasting world views in a house together and press `record.' What emerges is a passionate debate, honest disagreements, humour and moments of insight that reveal what is like to be a Muslim in Britain today.
Plot: With around 6,000 regular visitors, Birmingham's Central Mosque is not just one of the largest in the United Kingdom, but is also one of the largest in Western Europe. With special access to the mosque and some of the people who visit it, the lives and tribulations of its congregants are here explored...
Plot: Aussie Queer Eye for the Straight Guy is an Australian reality television series that was based on the original and hugely popular American series, Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. Wikipedia
Plot: The sparkling notes of a trumpet fanfare and the familiar logo of the sun alert viewers that it's time for CBS's Sunday morning staple. Journalist Jane Pauley helms the show, taking over hosting duties from Charles Osgood, who spent 22 years on the job. A morning talk show, this program airs at a different...
Plot: Acerbic comic Bill Maher welcomes a panel of three guests from diverse parts of the political spectrum for a lively discussion of current events. Also usually included as part of the show are a comedic monologue and an interview with a newsmaker or political figure.