Plot: Las Vegas is one of America's top tourist destinations, but it's Sin City's seedy underworld - which visitors rarely see - that is explored in this two-part series. Journalist Trevor McDonald uncovers the secrets of the Nevada city, which grew from nothing to being a haven for shady people. McDonald...
Plot: In this three-part miniseries, journalist Trevor McDonald travels across the Caribbean and discovers how each region is shaped and defined by money. Some of the areas, such as Barbados and the Bahamas, are inhabited or owned by extremely wealthy people, and contain expensive resorts, such as Musha...
Plot: For those in Mississippi, their culture is just as ingrained into them as their history. The history of the state has seen many events throughout its long life, such as the landmarks where the Civil Rights movements were waged, where the battles were lost and even where the blues was born. The rolling...
Plot: As Britain marks the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II, journalist Trevor McDonald offers an in-depth look at the life of the Queen, her country, and her reign. He looks at the royal city of London, childhood home of the young princess and still the centre of the working monarchy, as well as the...
Plot: Las Vegas is one of America's top tourist destinations, but it's Sin City's seedy underworld - which visitors rarely see - that is explored in this two-part series. Journalist Trevor McDonald uncovers the secrets of the Nevada city, which grew from nothing to being a haven for shady people. McDonald...
Plot: Trevor McDonald returns to the world of the Mafia, this time gaining unprecedented access to the wives, daughters and girlfriends of notorious gangsters.