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The Manions of America
Description: A young man (Pierce Brosnan) begins an American dynasty after leaving Ireland during the 1845 potato famine. Genre: Drama Genre: Drama Language: English
Plot: In Berlin at the end of the 19th century, Ida works as an assistant nurse at the world-famous Charité Hospital in order to pay off her debts to the medical facility. While there, she encounters brilliant physicians and discovers her passion for medicine as she comes to the realization that she is in...
Plot: There are cultural differences between England and America in many respects. But that doesn't stop British socialites like Caroline Stanbury from running in similar social circles with American expats, including Juliet Angus and Marissa Hermer, who enjoy a posh London lifestyle. The women adhere to...
Plot: After the death of her fiance, Luella Shakespeare joins Frank Hathaway, a private detective, to help him solve some bizarre cases in Stratford-upon-Avon.
Plot: Richard Chamberlain stars as a priest forced to make a choice between his feelings and his ambitions in this sweeping adaptation of Colleen McCullough's novel. Set in the early 1900s on a sheep station in the Australian outback, the 1983 miniseries follows members of the Cleary family, whose move to...
Plot: A group of nurse midwives working in the East End of London in the late 1950s deal with the pressures of their day-to-day lives while trying to cope with the changes in the world around them.
Plot: Robert Crawley risks losing the family estate after his heirs die in the Titanic. Soon, the Crawleys are introduced to Matthew, the next heir in line, who resists the aristocratic way of life.
Plot: Raumpatrouille u2013 Die phantastischen Abenteuer des Raumschiffes Orion, also known as Raumpatrouille Orion, and Space Patrol Orion in English, was the first German science fiction television series. Its seven episodes were broadcast by ARD beginning 17 September 1966. Wikipedia
Plot: Based on the novel by Thomas Engström, a former Stasi double agent is asked by his old CIA contact to work one more case. Berlin, 2011. A former Stasi double agent, Ludwig Licht, who after the fall of the Berlin Wall works as a freelance problem solver and is the number one customer in the bar he owns...
Plot: This historical drama takes a look at events taking place on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean during the turbulent Restoration period of the 1600s. Young, idealistic renegade Abe Goffe is determined to fight for England to become a true republic. A romantic at heart, he falls for privileged Beth and...
Plot: Created by Roland Moore, `Land Girls' follows the lives and loves of four girls away from home, doing their bit for Britain in the Women's Land Army. Set on the Hoxley Manor estate, against the backdrop of war-weary Britain in the 1940s, the series depicts how the girls balance their working lives at...
Plot: A modernized reboot of the 1980s primetime soap follows two of America's wealthiest families, the Carringtons and the Colbys, as they feud for control over their fortune and their children. Told primarily through the perspectives of two women at odds -- Fallon Carrington, daughter of billionaire Blake...