Plot: `Trapped' is a crime-drama series following a police department as they try to uncover a mystery against the elements. In a fjord nearby a small Icelandic town a ferry arrives from Denmark with 300 passengers, but only their journey stops here. A storm overhead and a treacherous blizzard prevent the...
Plot: Set in Denmark and based on the novels of Elsebeth Egholm, this series follows a crime reporter named Dicte Svendsen who has moved back to her hometown of Aarhus with her teenage daughter following a difficult divorce. A sociable character, Svendsun enjoys nothing more than meeting up with her friends...
Plot: `Follow the Money' is a Danish crime-drama following the illegal activities of corporate crime circles, fraudsters and opportunists. The story begins near a wind farm off the coast of Denmark, where a lifeless body is found washed ashore. Police detective Mads is on the case, which at first looks like...
Plot: Clair, an ex-police officer, moves away from the city in order to escape her violent past that still disturbs her. But soon, she is dragged back to the case by John, her former lover and colleague.
Plot: Forensic scientist Emma returns one day before her father's birthday from USA to her hometown Mittenwalde (Brandenburg/Germany). Because her father Peter, a coroner, has to deal with a series of odd cases, she decides to support him.
Plot: A surgeon sets up an illicit clinic in the tunnels below the Temple tube station to find a cure for his ill wife, but he must fund his operation by treating criminals and other desperate patients who cannot seek help from regular medical facilities.
Plot: CIA operative Carrie Mathison is on the lookout for an American prisoner who may have joined forces with Al-Qaeda. Released from hostage after eight years, Marine Nicholas Brody becomes her suspect.
Plot: Tommy Conley, a New York policeman, suddenly loses track of the serial killer he was following. Finding a link between his investigation and a series of murders in Stockholm, he decides to head to Sweden to dig deeper.
Plot: In Denmark, drone engineer Victoria is held captive in her home in the lead-up to a terrorist attack in Scandinavia. The Swedish security police and the Danish intelligence service collaborate to prevent the threat from transpiring.
Plot: Police officer Nina Kautsalo finds an abducted woman in a basement in the wilderness. The woman appears to be infected with a deadly virus and the police call in virologist Thomas Lorenz. A race against time begins.
Plot: Detective Robin returns to Sydney to escape her past and reunite with her daughter. There, she and her partner deal with the murder of an Asian girl whose body is found inside a suitcase.
Plot: Georg Wilsberg, a passionate book antiquarian in Münster, Germany, also works as a private detective for which he often calls in his best friend and his niece - often against their wills.
Plot: After being wrongly fired, a young investment banker receives an offer for her dream job. Forced to give up everything, she commits to her new position, but realises that her former boss has been manipulating her.
Plot: A long-established Bavarian investigator and his colleague from the big city could not be more different. Nevertheless, they complement each other when it comes to solving particularly tricky cases around Rosenheim.
Plot: When the corpse of an 11-year-old British boy, Danny Latimer, is found bloodied and dirty on an idyllic beach, a small Dorset community becomes the focus of a police investigation and media madness. Out-of-town Detective Inspector Alec Hardy gets the point position over Detective Sgt. Ellie Miller --...
Plot: Old-school police detective Pierre Niemans and his best former student, Camille Delaunay, solve complex murders cases that involve an unusual brutality far beyond the capacity of local police departments to understand.
Plot: The psychological thriller examines the lives of two hunters -- one is a serial killer who preys on victims in and around Belfast, Northern Ireland, and the other is a female detective drafted from the London Metropolitan Police to catch him. The local authorities have no suspects and no experience...
Plot: Detectives investigating a slew of serial killings following the discovery of a murdered family on board a yacht find themselves entangled in a web of treachery, deceit and personal tragedy.
Plot: "Cardinal" is based on the novels of crime writer Giles Blunt and focuses on detective John Cardinal and his partner, Lise Delorme. The two detectives investigate crime in the city of Algonquin Bay, such ones can include the murder of a young girl. Cardinal works to right past wrongs that could threaten...
Plot: Homicide detective William Wisting is challenged by the two most difficult cases of his entire career, and his investigation into a serial killer crosses paths with his crime-writing daughter's news story.
Plot: Following British policewoman, Miranda Blake, and German detective, Max Winter as they join forces to fight crime on the picturesque island of Mallorca.
Plot: John Luther, a passionate detective, ends up befriending a psychopath and murderer, whom he could not arrest due to lack of evidence, and they solve various cases together.
Plot: `Thicker Than Water' is a Swedish drama series following the lives of the Waldemar family. Siblings Oskar, Lasse and Jonna are reunited when their mother Anna-Lisa invites them to the family's guest house before the season's opening. But when Anna-Lisa suddenly passes away, it turns out that she had...
Plot: This multilingual crime-drama follows a group of European investigators working together to tackle crime in major cities across Europe. Their journey begins when three prostitutes are found murdered, all in the same way, and all in different countries. However, as the case evolves, the detectives also...
Plot: Morven Christie stars as DS Lisa Armstrong in Morecambe-based crime drama `The Bay'. When DS Armstrong is drawn into the search for teenage twins who have gone missing in the coastal town, she is perturbed to realise that she has a personal connection to the case. She is assigned as the Family Liaison...
Plot: Based on the novel by Thomas Engström, a former Stasi double agent is asked by his old CIA contact to work one more case. Berlin, 2011. A former Stasi double agent, Ludwig Licht, who after the fall of the Berlin Wall works as a freelance problem solver and is the number one customer in the bar he owns...
Plot: DS Steve Arnott is transferred to the anti-corruption unit after he refuses to participate in a cover-up that involves an innocent man getting shot in a police encounter.