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The Man and the City
Description: Mayor Thomas Acala handles challenges with the help of his chief aide and his secretary. Genre: Drama Year Released: 1971 Number of seasons: 1 Number of episodes: 15 First episode air date: September 15, 1971 Network: American Broadcasting Company
Plot: The conclusion of a two-part biopic, Eleanor Roosevelt (Jane Alexander) continues to recall the life of her husband, President Franklin D. Roosevelt (Edward Herrmann), starting from his election to the White House all the way through the end of his life. Roosevelt faces many challenges during his time...
Plot: Peaceable Kingdom is an American family drama television series that aired on CBS from September 20 until November 15, 1989. The series was cancelled after only seven episodes. Wikipedia
Plot: Based on Stephen King's best-selling novel of the same name, "The Outsider" begins by following an investigation which at first seems like it will be simple and straightforward but things change as it leads into the gruesome murder of a young boy by a seasoned cop. When an insidious supernatural force...
Plot: Interns is a Russian television medical sitcom produced by NTV-Kino, which aired on the TNT Russia channel from March 29, 2010 to February 25, 2016. Wikipedia
Plot: Cassie Holland is a tough and feisty former police officer-turned-private detective who takes advantage of her looks to solve cases. Having taken over Lyman "Shack" Shackelford's agency, she with her loyal ex-con secretary Meryl, and part-time gym instructor Benny, Cassie hits the streets to look for...
Plot: Storefront Lawyers is an American legal drama that ran from September 1970 to January 1971 and February 1971 to March 1971 on CBS. The series starred Robert Foxworth, Sheila Larken, David Arkin, and A Martinez. Wikipedia
Plot: Sarge is an American crime drama television series starring George Kennedy. The series aired for one season on NBC from September 1971 to January 1972. Wikipedia
Plot: Meg Laurel (Lindsay Wagner) is a young woman from the Appalachian Mountains who leaves her hometown in the 1930s to become a doctor in Boston. She decides to return home and practice medicine in the rural community where she grew up, partly because of a bad experience she had as a girl with a local...
Plot: Ex-con artist Jimmy McGill turns into a small-time attorney and goes through a series of trials and tragedies, as he transforms into his alter ego Saul Goodman, a morally challenged criminal lawyer.
Plot: A group of doctors, previously belonging to the US Army, work in the late night shift in the ER at the San Antonio Medical Center, where they tackle complex and unexpected situations.
Plot: Successful Hollywood plastic surgeon Sydney Hansen returns home to Providence, Rhode Island to try to keep her dysfunctional family together with the help of her mother's friendly ghost. She also finds work with the local free clinic. Dr. Sydney Hansen, a successful plastic surgeon in Hollywood, California...