Plot: Women Make Film is a documentary film by the British-Irish filmmaker and film critic Mark Cousins. The film premiered on 1 September 2018 at the Venice Film Festival, and was released on the BFI Player in May 2020. The film is divided into 40 chapters over 14 hours and features the work of 183 directors...
Plot: Carlos, also known as Carlos the Jackal, is a 2010 French-German biographical film and television miniseries about the life of the 1970s Venezuelan terrorist Carlos the Jackal, covering his first series of attacks in 1973 until his arrest in 1994. Wikipedia
Plot: Set in the fictional Midwestern town of Salem, this long-running saga follows the lives, loves, triumphs and tragedies of the Horton, Brady, Kiriakis, Hernandez and DiMera families. Love stories, family troubles and suspenseful adventures embroil the denizens of Salem in every form of drama from flowering...
Plot: With the Vietnam War, the British Invasion, Woodstock, the Civil Rights Movement, and JFK's assassination, the 1960s represent, perhaps, the most consequential decade in U.S. history. It was a period of monumental social and political change, altering virtually every aspect of American life for future...
Plot: The AFI's 100 Years⦠series is a series of lists and accompanying CBS television specials from 1998 to 2008 in which the American Film Institute celebrated 100 years of the greatest films in American cinema. This list is intended to ignite public interest in classical Hollywood cinema. Wikipedia...
Plot: Emmy Award-winning executive producers Tom Hanks, Gary Goetzman and Mark Herzog bring "The Movies" to CNN in new six-part series that explores American cinema through the decades and the cultural, societal and political shifts that framed its evolution. Combining archival footage and interviews with...
Plot: In this film about Ingmar Bergman's parents, young Henrik Bergman (Samuel Fröler) is studying for the priesthood and trying to make ends meet when he encounters the lovely, affluent Anna (Pernilla August). Despite their social differences, Henrik and Anna fall in love, wed and move to the country...
Plot: In this British documentary, a hypothetical Chinese invasion of South Vietnam triggers a new world war between East and West. In the town of Rochester, Kent, the anticipation of a nuclear attack leads to mass evacuations. When a stray missile actually explodes, the ensuing firestorm blinds all those...
Plot: Unknown Chaplin is an acclaimed three-part 1983 British documentary series about the career and methods of the silent film luminary Charlie Chaplin, using previously unseen film for illustration. The series consist of three episodes, with title My Happiest Years, The Great Director and Hidden Treasures...
Plot: The deceased king rises and a mysterious plague begins to spread; the prince must face a new breed of enemies to unveil the evil scheme and save his people.
Plot: Berlin Alexanderplatz, originally broadcast in 1980, is a 14-part West German television miniseries, set in 1920s Berlin and adapted and directed by Rainer Werner Fassbinder from Alfred Döblin's 1929 novel of the same name. Wikipedia
Plot: Television drama miniseries which re-examines the original's iconic depiction of love, hatred, desire, monogamy, marriage and divorce through the lens of a contemporary American couple, played by Oscar Isaac and Jessica Chastain.
Plot: Cinema Europe: The Other Hollywood is a documentary film series produced by David Gill and silent film historian Kevin Brownlow. It is a followup to their 1980 documentary film series, Hollywood. Wikipedia
Plot: The French as Seen by... was the title and subject of a series of five short films by notable directors. It was initiated and sponsored by the newspaper Le Figaro, as part of the 1988 celebration of the tenth anniversary of its magazine section. Wikipedia