Plot: "Play With Me Sesame" features the popular "Sesame Street" characters -- including Ernie, Bert, Elmo and Grover -- on a show that encourages preschoolers to interact with the show and its characters as they learn. The "playdate" format encourages children to join in the movement and learning they see...
Plot: Mischievous Poppy Cat is full of energy and charm and likes to have fun. The young feline tends to get involved in entertaining adventures along the way with her friends, who include speedy Dalmatian Zuzu, sweet bunny Alma, feisty mouse Mo, a wise owl named Owl and Egbert, a badger who is usually the...
Plot: Four fairytale friends go on magical adventures and become reading-powered superheroes. The characters live in Storybook Village, which is accessible through a panel that is represented by an invisible question mark. Preschool children follow the Super Readers as they jump into books that come to life...
Plot: Martin and Chris Kratt star in this preschool series that teaches children how to respect and care for animals. Zoboomafoo, a playful little lemur, hangs around Animal Junction with Matt and Chris. The watering hole is an animal pit stop where a steady stream of animal visitors wander in from around...
Plot: Lucy lives next door to the zoo. And every night the zoo animals, including Georgina the Giraffe, Nelson the Elephant, and monkeys Tickles and Giggles, tell her a bedtime story to help her fall asleep.
Plot: British exercise show for toddlers from the creators of Teletubbies. Designed to be interactive, Boohbah encourages children to move, dance and create stories while exploring science, technology and fantasy.
Plot: Two children find a dragonscale, and have fun socializing with dragons. The series focused on the exploits of two siblings, Emmy and Max, in possession of an enchanted dragon scale capable of transporting them to a whimsical fantasy land inhabited by colorful anthropomorphic dragons upon their recitation...
Plot: This animated children's series follows the warm and fuzzy adventures of a band of little beings inhabiting a magical garden world. Fifi Forget-Me-Not, the title character and group's happy leader, lives in a giant yellow watering can and tends to the flowers in her organic garden. Along with twin...
Plot: Children have always loved cars, so this animated series featuring plenty of the shiny, colorful, speedy vehicles is a natural to hold the attention of tiny tots. The show follows the adventures of the title character, an inexperienced young race car learning the ropes at the Silver Hatch circuit....
Plot: This children's series tells the story of anthropomorphic pig Piggley Winks. The show starts with Grandpa Piggley, in the United States, telling his three grandchildren stories about his younger days in Ireland in the 1950's. The flashbacks feature Piggley as a young lad living in Ireland with his...
Plot: With the help of her mentor and dance instructor, Miss Lilly, a little mouse named Angelina hopes to become a prima ballerina, and along the way she makes many friends and experiences many adventures. Based on the books by Katharine Holabird and Helen Craig, the series also features brief live-action...
Plot: The R๋ฎญubbers are animated bath toys who live in a bathroom. The bath toys teach children about the difficult realities of life and the negative aspects of dreaming about a better world. Each episode features one character being transported to a dream world in which a wish the character made (by saying...
Plot: Musical Mornings with Coo is an American animated television series produced by Cartoon Pizza and PBS Kids Sprout Originals. The first aired on September 26, 2007 and ended on August 21, 2009. Wikipedia
Plot: This animated PBS series follows the adventures of Franny Fantootsie, a nearly 6-year-old girl who is transported to different places in the world when she tries on various shoes in her grandpa's shoe repair shop. In her travels, she meets new friends and helps them solve their problems.
Plot: Getting kids to go to sleep when you want them to can be difficult. "The Pajanimals" hope to help accomplish that task. The four cuddly friends on the show snuggle together each night to sing sweet nighttime songs to their preschool friends at home. The puppet characters include bossy dog Apollo, energetic...
Plot: Popular Chica ("The Sunny Side Up Show") gets her own show in this live-action/animation hybrid that promotes social-emotional development in preschoolers. Chica helps her mom and dad in the Costume Coop, a playful shop filled with whimsical costumes, and when the shop closes, she and her friends transform...
Plot: Hosted by Sean, one of the hosts of "The Sunny Side Up Show," "Noodle and Doodle" showcases arts-and-crafts ideas and healthy recipes for children and their parents. The crafts and recipes are inspired by real preschoolers' experiences. Sean is assisted by his new friends -- Noodle, a lovable puppet...
Plot: The Sprout Sharing Show was a programming block on the Sprout cable channel. The show premiered on May 21, 2007, airing on daily afternoons in the lineup formerly occupied by The Let's Go Show, however, The Let's Go Show moved to a weekend lineup until September 2010. Wikipedia