Plot: The New Adventures of Chor Lau-heung is a television series adapted from Gu Long's wuxia novels, primarily the Chu Liuxiang Series, but it also includes characters from the Little Li Flying Dagger series and Lu Xiaofeng Series. It was first broadcast on CTS and TVB in Taiwan and Hong Kong respectively...
Plot: The New Adventures of Chor Lau-heung is a Hong Kong television series adapted from Chu Liuxiang Xinzhuan of Gu Long's Chu Liuxiang novel series. Michael Miu Kiu-wai starred as the titular protagonist, Chor Lau-heung. The series was first broadcast on TVB from 12 November 1984 to 4 January 1985. Wikipedia...
Plot: Convicted cat burglar Alexander Mundy gets an offer he can't refuse from the United States government: If he puts his formidable thieving skills to work for them, he'll be released from prison. Alexander's dad, Alister, sometimes comes out of retirement as a thief to help his son on special jobs.
Plot: The Dragon Heroes is a Chinese epic fantasy television series starring Ren Quan, Li Xiaolu, Christopher Lee, Cui Peng, Eddy Ko, Felix Wong, Bryan Leung, Florence Tan, Tanny Tien, Chen Tianwen and Ding Yujia. The series was first broadcast in 2005 on BTV in mainland China and on MediaCorp Channel 8...
Plot: Rose Martial World is a Chinese-Hong Kong wuxia-romance television series produced by Yu Zheng and directed by Peter Yuen and Wang Shaojie, starring cast members from mainland China and Hong Kong. It was first broadcast in Taiwan in 2008. Wikipedia