Plot: When the corpse of an 11-year-old British boy, Danny Latimer, is found bloodied and dirty on an idyllic beach, a small Dorset community becomes the focus of a police investigation and media madness. Out-of-town Detective Inspector Alec Hardy gets the point position over Detective Sgt. Ellie Miller --...
Plot: Larosiere, a police superintendent, exercises his passion for solving difficult cases. He is assisted by young Inspector Lampion, who is eager to learn the nuances of the job.
Plot: Frank Underwood is a Democrat appointed as the secretary of state. Along with his wife, he sets out on a quest to seek revenge on the people who betrayed him while successfully rising to supremacy.
Plot: Beneath the peaceful facade of Canberra, there is a secret city of deals and divided loyalties, lies and opportunism. Political journalist Harriet Dunkley thinks she knows the city, but as she forces her way closer to the truth she discovers a conspiracy. The subterfuge that she finds threatens her...
Plot: War veteran David Budd finds work as a police sergeant with the Metropolitan Police Service in London, in the Royalty and Specialist Protection branch. He is assigned to protect the home secretary, the Rt Hon Julia Montague MP, a controversial and ambitious politician who is described as `the sociopath...
Plot: French politician Philippe Rickwaert thirsts for revenge against his political enemies. Philippe's political career is in shambles after he is sacrificed by the presidential candidate from the Left, Francis Laugier.