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The Last of the Schmucks
Description: In the post-destruction era after the third world war, during the year 2041, men and women continue their eternal battle. Genre: TV program Cast: Ahmed Mekky, Chico Chico, Hesham Magued
Plot: The first part of the series revolves around three young people who live in a popular neighborhood, and because of their carelessness and recklessness they are exposed to many problems and comedy situations. The events of the second part of the series revolve around human conflict and the creation of...
Plot: This period drama, set in Spain in the early 20th century, features quick-witted youngster Julio, who arrives at a luxury hotel to meet his sister, head chambermaid Cristina. But upon discovering that she disappeared under suspicious circumstances months earlier, Julio makes it his mission to find her...
Plot: An Egyptian doctor agrees to work undercover as an informant to the police and takes a job finding ancient artefacts for a big-time antiquities smuggler.