Plot: In "The Hunt for Eagle 56," Smithsonian Channel follows the Nomad Exploration Team as it makes the stunning discovery of the USS Eagle 56 shipwreck off the coast of Maine. The team is made up of citizen-historians and amateur divers who set out to solve a 74-year-old naval mystery. The three-part series...
Plot: Previously unseen footage from World War II, culled from archives and private collections and converted to high-definition, offers insight on the lives of some of the soldiers, medics and journalists who lived through the war. Stars like LL Cool J, Justin Bartha and Rob Lowe give voice to the wartim...
Plot: "Save Our History" is a television series that turns historic preservation into adventure. Episodes search for answers to our past that are off the beaten path - not just in restored structures, but by flying restored aircraft, diving for lost ships, traveling to remote battle sites, and meeting those...