Plot: This period drama, set in Spain in the early 20th century, features quick-witted youngster Julio, who arrives at a luxury hotel to meet his sister, head chambermaid Cristina. But upon discovering that she disappeared under suspicious circumstances months earlier, Julio makes it his mission to find her...
Plot: This musical drama series explores the love stories that connect an eclectic group of people living in Los Angeles. Flashbacks reveal how the characters came to be in the present day, which often involves attempts at romance. The diverse and disparate members of the group have their lives told through...
Plot: Based on the 1996 Margaret Atwood novel of the same name, "Alias Grace" tells the story of young Grace Marks, a poor Irish immigrant and domestic servant in Upper Canada who is accused and convicted of the 1843 murder of her employer and his housekeeper. Stablehand James McDermott is also convicted...
Plot: The Caffee brothers live in an Irish-American neighborhood in Providence, R.I., known as "the Hill." Tommy Caffee is a family man whose ambition and street smarts help him navigate the world of Providence politics, protecting the Hill at all costs. Unfortunately, his gangster brother Mike returns to...
Plot: Amid a devastating fire in 1897 Paris, three women see their destinies turned upside down by forbidden love, identity theft, betrayal and emancipation.
Plot: Upon returning to San Francisco, Mary Ann is reunited with her daughter, Shawna, and ex-husband Brian 20 years after leaving them to pursue her career. As she flees the midlife crisis that arose from her seemingly perfect Connecticut life, Mary Ann returns to her home, where she is quickly drawn back...
Plot: Perpetually single Elsa can't seem to figure out why she is so unlucky in love, and her friends want to rally around her. In a misguided attempt to build up Elsa's confidence, they hire a male escort -- who Elsa knows as schoolteacher Julies -- to renew her faith in dating, relationships and finding...
Plot: Robert Crawley risks losing the family estate after his heirs die in the Titanic. Soon, the Crawleys are introduced to Matthew, the next heir in line, who resists the aristocratic way of life.
Plot: She's young, she's bold and civil servant Feef Symonds is way out of her depth. It is 1945, the Second World War has come to an end and though Britain has come out triumphant, the nation is still at risk of threats from a burgeoning new world order. Having now been assigned to a desk in an office, when...
Plot: Kevin, Kate and Randall, three siblings, go through unique personal struggles at different intervals of life as they try to find happiness and get over a tragedy in their past.
Plot: The passionate members of a ladies' roller hockey team chase down victories in the rink while striving to make time for school, family and romance.
Plot: Guardian angel Uli is new to the Angelus system; a rebel spirit, he makes surprising discoveries about life and how the world is run when he goes rogue.
Plot: When a police task force uncovers a widespread corruption scheme involving the Brazilian government and several prominent engineering firms, scandal erupts in the South American country. After detective Marco Ruffo breaks open the case after chasing down money launderer Roberto Ibrahim but is unable...
Plot: Samantha Alencar was a child star in the 1980s, but time hasn't been kind to her career since then. Hoping to launch herself back into the spotlight, Samantha tries to cling to the fringes of celebrity through harebrained schemes. When her ex returns to her after being released from prison, she begins...
Plot: Mysterious deaths on a luxurious ship travelling from Spain to Rio de Janeiro in the 1940s uncover secrets surrounding two sisters who are travelling together.
Plot: It's 1832 in West Yorkshire, England -- the cradle of the evolving Industrial Revolution -- where landowner Anne Lister is determined to save her faded ancestral home, Shibden Hall, even if it means bucking society's expectations. In addition to reopening the coal mines, a part of Lister's plan to...
Plot: It's the 1920s and Spain has just gotten its first national telephone company, located in Madrid. For four young women who get jobs there, it's more than just work. It represents progress that is being made at the time as women are gaining more equality with men. This drama series follows the ladies...