Plot: Actor Frank Grillo's filmography includes the MMA-centric flick "Warrior" and TV series "Kingdom," so it may not be surprising to learn that he has a passion for combat sports. In this docuseries, the fight enthusiast travels around the world, immersing himself in different fight cultures to understand...
Plot: Wynonna Earp has been away from her hometown, Purgatory, for years but returns to reluctantly take on the role that Wyatt Earp's heir is destined for -- demon protector. Her task is to take out Revenants, the resurrected souls of the criminals who were taken down at one time by her great-grandfather...
Plot: The deceased king rises and a mysterious plague begins to spread; the prince must face a new breed of enemies to unveil the evil scheme and save his people.
Plot: Players and coaches from the Montreal Thunder U21 soccer team chase their dreams of achieving stardom in the sport. This docuseries profiles their journeys, as their on-field challenges intersect with their personal lives. There's a shake-up on the team when a legendary women's player joins the Thunder...
Plot: Two androids are tasked with raising human children on a mysterious virgin planet; as the human colony threatens to be torn apart by religious differences, the androids learn that controlling the beliefs of humans is a treacherous and difficult task.
Plot: Mark Williams-Thomas has 11 years of police experience, specialising in child protection. Over the last two decades he has been investigating major crime, including the unveiling of Jimmy Savile as a sexual abuser.
Plot: This Netflix original series follows college football teams that aren't major programs and don't get much national attention. After a couple seasons of profiling recruits at East Mississippi Community College, which has won several NJCAA national titles, the reality series shifts its focus to Independence...
Plot: In San Francisco, California, Ah Sahm, a martial arts prodigy from China, leads a colourful life as he becomes a hatchet man for a powerful tong.
Plot: Thirty four years after events of the 1984 All Valley Karate Tournament, a down-and-out Johnny Lawrence seeks redemption by reopening the infamous Cobra Kai dojo, reigniting his rivalry with a now successful Daniel LaRusso.
Plot: Season 2 of this Amazon-original docuseries follows the entire 2016 NFL season for the Rams, which started with their relocation back to Los Angeles. Other notable events that are uniquely explored in this series include the hiring of a new head coach, as well as action on the field and the team's...
Plot: In the small town of Corsicana, Texas, hard-driving head cheer coach Monica Aldama demands perfection from her team of competitive college athletes.
Plot: This docuseries takes a look at the state of policing in America through the experiences of the Flint (Mich.) Police Department. Flint is consistently among the country's most violent cities and its residents have little trust in law enforcement officials in the wake of the coverup of a citywide water...
Plot: Will Smith more or less plays himself in this good-natured NBC sitcom. As the show's popular theme song explains, fictional Will's mom sends him away from his rough Philadelphia neighborhood to live with wealthy Uncle Phil and Aunt Vivian in Bel-Air. Will often has fun at the expense of stuck-up cousins...