Plot: From the Hospital Club in London's West End, Rylan Clark-Neal presents a late-night show in front of a studio audience. Each evening is crammed with entertainment - celebrity guests join Rylan for a chat, there's live music from popular artists, and fun after-hours games. The topical series sees Rylan...
Plot: For many, the ideal summer holiday conjures images of blue skies, sandy beaches and scorching temperatures. For Ryan Clark-Neal, however, he is swapping his summer holidays for a ghost tour of Europe and is bringing his celebrity friends along for the spooky ride. The gang come face-to-face with unexplained...
Plot: A round-up of `Big Brother'-related news and debate, with special guests, exclusive footage and behind the scenes treats. Presented by Rylan Clark.
Plot: Narrated by television personality Rylan Clark-Neal, this series sees rival beauty salon owners compete against one another to see whose treatments and customer service are the best. Taking it in turns to visit each other's premises, the contestants experience first-hand the conventional and unusual...